Asset Protection and Structuring
The decisions you make today, will forever affect your future!
As they say, there are many different ways to skin a cat and the same applies to the vehicle through which you run your business. Your future prosperity depends crucially on the right business structure.
- The right structure is strongly dependent on your particular circumstances such as:
- The risks associated to your particular industry
- Your profit expectations
- Your goals and objectives
- Your personal family situation
- Whether you have business partners
- The assets you own outside of your business
- And many more
The best set-up for you can also change over time. Once your business moves through different stages, it is important to review your current structure to identify if it could now be better set up differently to take advantage of those changes.
You'll gain substantial and lasting benefits from choosing the right structure for your business. Our experience helps you choose the business format that will maximise net returns, minimise tax and protect your assets. You can secure your personal and business assets as well as reducing capital gains tax liability when selling.
We also look at the protection of assets within a trading structure. Separating the assets from the day to day trading risks of the business can avoid huge financial stress if one section of a business starts to endure financial stress.
If it’s been a while since you have had your structure reviewed and you feel your business circumstances have evolved, feel free to call (02) 4044 1245 for a structure and asset protection review.